MTMIS Islamabad — Online Vehicle Registration Verification System
Mtmis Islamabad
We’ve just made it easier for you to check the registration of your vehicle directly from here.
Vehicle Registration process varies in all provinces of Pakistan. Each province has defined its own taxes and processes for vehicle registration and renewals. Federal Excise Department has developed a Motor Transport Information Management System (MTMIS). A technology-rich and centralized vehicle registration information system provides the status of vehicle registration with all important details. Anyone planning to buy or sell a car can easily verify vehicle owner using MTMIS.
Benefits of Online Vehicle Verification – MTMIS Islamabad
The Online Vehicle Verification of Islamabad is very helpful in avoiding legal issues that you might come across when you are buying a car. MTMIS Islamabad is really beneficial to save oneself from almost any vehicle fraud or scam. MTMIS Islamabad provides information about both cars and bikes.
Islamabad Vehicle Verification
Islamabad Excise dept offers online service for Islamabad vehicle verification.To verify details of any vehicle registered in islamabad visit Official Website of Islamabad Excise.
After opening Islamabad Excise website, click on the red marked box “Vehicle Information Detail”.