Self-driving Cars about to Revolutionize your Daily Life

Self-driving cars will have the significant impact on the daily routines of human beings in so many ways. Most important of them are listed below.

Increased Convenience: Self-driving cars will certainly increase convenience by allowing passengers to use travel time more productively and even enjoyably. Commuters could work, read, or relax during their journeys, potentially reducing stress and making all types of travelling much easier and pleasurable

Time saving for parents: According to Survey 39% of parents themselves pick and drop their children to school in USA. Now with Self-driving cars with enhanced child locks this number will significantly decrease thus parents have ample time to spend on other professional works results in increased productivity of overall society. 

Old people well being: Self-driving cars biggest advantage is to the older people who are unable or have difficulty in driving. With Self-driving cars they can move much easily either they have to go to park for walk or either for appointment with doctor, results in improved quality of life for older people

Better Traffic Management: With Self driving cars traffic can be managed very efficiently because of inbuilt intelligent system of traffic situation monitoring which can work much better than humans.

Increased Safety:  As due to inbuilt sensors and much better analysis mechanism than humans. Definitely chances of road accidents are much lesser in Self-driving cars because of zero human error 

Better Utilization of land:  Because of inbuilt efficient parking system most usable land can be utilize for other better purposes as Self-driving cars can park at their own at some free space. So this free space can be used for park, plantation and even play areas for children so much better use for human beings

Economic conditions improvement:  As per survery average American drives 55 minutes per day. So during driving time same person can do some productive work.  It will increase at least five percent to ten percent productivity of the world so  it will create enormous impact on overall prosperity of human  being. 

Improvement in Environment conditions: As when Self-driving cars trend increases there will be much less personal ownership of cars. Most of people rely on such companies who will offer Self-driving cars on rental basis so there will be less number of cars on road thus improving on overall environment conditions. As less car on roads means very less carbon emission so climate change which is going to be biggest threat for mankind can be considerably minimize

Shift in Car Driving Paradigm:  As Self-driving concepts totally transform the driving pattern, at that point having owned human driving vehicles will become hobby. To have such human driven car, to maintain it, to keep it and overall user experience will become same recreation as having sports bike.

Insurance business decline:  As when self-driving cars concept flourish there will be much lesser driver and accidental insurances because of much lesser chances of any accident due to accuracy of intelligent driving system of Self-driving cars.

Impact on employment: In some segments employment will increase like more software, data scientist and AI specialist required to manage Self-driving cars intelligent systems. On the other hand there will be catastrophic impact on driver job market around the world. Only in USA there are 3.5 million truck drivers so from this you can see how big this impact will be.

Decrease in car parts replacement market: As there will be negligible chances for any accidents. As a result car parts which are required to replace damaged parts during accident will not be required. So very big parts replacement market will decline rapidly.

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